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持戒度母 发表于 2010-1-18 12:14:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式













(译自"Sacred Voices of the NyingmaMasters",SandraScales记录编著。噶玛丹增桑嫫恭译)


Freeing the Mind and Emotions

The obscuring emotions of anger,jealousy, pride, ignorance and desire are nothing butthoughts.  But what arethoughts?  When you watch athought, look to see if it has any substance orsolidity.  Does it have acolor or shape? Can you find the place where the thought hasarisen? Can you find a place where it dwells? Can you find where ithas gone when it disappears from your mind?
When a negative thought like angerarises, look to see whether the thought itself and the ground fromwhich it arises are the same or different.  Are they two differentthings?  Generally speaking,when you have many thoughts running through your mind, this iscalled “movement”.  It isthe moving aspect of the mind.  Occasionally there are fewer thoughts,and the mind is quieter. This is called “quiescence”, the still aspect of themind.  When you areconscious of having either many thoughts or few thoughts, this iscalled “awareness”.
You should try to practice alwaysbeing cognizant of whether your thoughts are moving or still and soon. Try to observe your mind in this way.
Then continuing with theinvestigation, look to see whether the known and the knowerthe object of this investigation and that which isinvestigating it are two distinct things or thesame.  Meditate on thenature of your mind.
You don’t need to meditate with youreyes closed.  If you look atthe essence of mind with open eyes, the aspects of clarity andintelligence come forth. You can close your eyes during shamatha (calm abiding) when youwant to stabilize or pacify your thoughts.  But in the present case, as we arewatching the nature of mind, it is more like a vipashyana(expansive vision or insight), in which you should just see allappearance as they are.  Andas you said, you can then see things without too much division orexcessive distracted thought.  Stay like this, seeing things but notentering into them with many elaborate thoughts.  Try to remain that state.
Whenever a negative emotion likeanger, desire or attachment appears, the first thing to do is torecognize that the thought is arising.  Do not be blind to it.  Once you have that recognition, youcan watch it.  Does it comefrom somewhere? Does it stay I any particular place? When it is nolonger there, has it gone to any particular place? And as youinvestigate the thought, the only conclusion you can come to isthat there is no such thing as this thought that is,it has no form, no color and so forth.  You can examine each and every thoughtin this way.
You may think that even though thethought has no substance, it still has a cause, something that isin some way permanent.  Forexample, if the thought is one of hatred, you may think that it iscaused by someone or something you don’t like, something outside ofyourself.  This can not beso, because the “enemy” is also simply a concept, a thought that ifanalyzed, just disintegrates.  There is no entity that isintrinsically “your enemy”. Moreover, how can something external be the true cause of youranger, which is inside you?
When you come to the conclusion thatthe thought is empty, remain in that emptiness.  If, however, the emotion is strong andintractable and doesn’t disappear, then look onceagain.  Does it have anycolor or shape? Is there any place where is resides? In the end,there can be no option than to return the emptiness.  Remain in this emptiness.  This is what you should do.
法界金刚 发表于 2010-1-19 20:16:46 | 显示全部楼层

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