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wlxg20130220 发表于 2015-7-26 15:44:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Physics, Psychology and Ethics: Three Big Cross Points Between Buddhism and Science

Modern days, taking Buddhism and science to a common terrace become new theory field. In this discussion, not only accomplished monks, there is also scientist, two totally different kinds powers seem to be looking for their integration points, the result is their theory fields open widely, and develop a new interdisciplinary subject.In many people’s eyes, they have a thought that Buddhism is superstition, equal superstition to Buddhism. Discovering the cross points between Buddhism and science is not to say that the Buddhism is science , but to remove people’s misunderstanding and prejudice to the Buddhism in this era, in the meantime it can also guide Buddhist clearing up the spring or source of moral character, make the Buddhism acquired new vitality in the new language territory; And many the special value of Buddhism not only can provide science a new way of understanding, and can also make up and correct some fulfillment imperfection and value of science. We have to say, these are a double action benefit for both Buddhism and science.
I think that "Buddhism and science" can carry out in three cross points, that is Physics, psychology and ethics
First, in the physics level, emptiness of Buddhism means dependently rising’s infinite possibilities, and science also finally point to "infinite great" and "infinite small" with the quest of macro scale and microcosmic, both of common targets is contact with whole, organic, and subjective-objective unity the purpose is to find out the truth of universe. Different from the other religions and philosophies, Buddhism do not have to have a ontology or a god, it sets out from sanditthiko, to general the origin rule in the confused things of the universe, and gets the conclusion of " Impermanence ", " No selfness ", and makes people do not pray guarding and protecting in the superstition by" Knowing and Seeing ", but get power form heart’s release; And accompany with the development of science, the mankind’s quest to the ontology and the epistemology is continuously also deepening. Just as contemporary British historians of science Brooker says:"to take the atom to the system of quantum mechanics single which contains every heritability can not be explain, the opposite is not working too, In the atom, the independent identity of basic grain son disappeared, the regulation of description system is not the ability deducing from the description that it constitute parts of regulations, they and their those systems included are placed in the relation of symbiosis, Bohr says: to look for life of harmonious, people must not forget, in the drama, our oneself since is an actor, and then is an audience."The different is, sanditthiko, demonstration, xingzhi, Mental capacity certificate, they are two big organic constitute part for mankind, which can not lack , xingzhi is humanities, valuable, a way , whole, intelligence, a view, emotion, direct insight is science , reasonableness , logic, mathematics, experiment, the intelligence for working, only breaking two things through to use both of them, the mankind then can continuously know universe and theirself, then can continuously have a detection and have innovation.The attitude of this kind is the essence of Buddhism and science, also the solid foundation that Buddhism and science can reach a negotiation.
Second, from the psychology level, the Buddhish can say that is the most ancient "School of Mind", Buddha thought his mission was to treat people’ anxiety. With the help of the intelligence of" insight accordant with reality" to "know oneself its heart, from clean its idea" is Buddhism’s peculiarities. We can find it in the Buddhism everywhere. The Buddha extremely analyzed the mind and consciousness, its samuppada, type, structure and function, and put forward a series of rcam and how to acquire a mind, it find a way to take the people to the Buddha. Because of having no ability to cure their hearts, modern people are so nervous, worry and anxiously etc. Buddha has eighty-four thousand kinds of teaching, every teaching is the method that can cure our. If we can know how to handle the intelligence of the Buddha and deal with bad ideas, so we can release a heart of unimaginable extraordinary effect. Harmonious world will be since from heart. Heart clean, the national is clean, heart peace then living things peace, the heart can even make the world peace. Modern western psychology such as Freud, Sigmund who invent the psychoanalyses, Carl G. Jung, who find collective unconsciousness, and Erich Fromm, Arthur Schopenhauer and E. Edmund Husserl, in their theories we can find the mark of the Buddhism. Western psychologist can do the research of human character based on the experiments and the data, but they limit in reforming personality. Buddhism psychology t provides many beneficial apocalypses for us.
 楼主| wlxg20130220 发表于 2015-7-26 15:46:28 | 显示全部楼层

Three, in the ethics, based on Cause and Effect in the Three Time Periods theory, Buddhism suggests: Don’t do any evil and pursue everything which is virtue, Self-purification of its meaning are all Buddhist, its have strong social culture function. Science gives the law of a causal relationship from general relationship, but the Buddhism then use this kind of cause and effect rule at the social ethics and the personality in, it has high reasonableness turns. The Buddha’s causal relationship theory eliminates the superstition color, also beef up “Self do, self have”. The Buddhism ethics specially emphasize result is built by the heart and we can control, thus we mankind could develop subjective activity, do good things, decontaminate existence environment, promote life state. according to such a principle, we carrying out "do a good thing one day, one day do good thing" and call more people do good thing at our side, from doing this we make people know what is good and kind, and turn into their own value claim, To their inside conviction, state of mind, state, habit and personality. We realize, kind and honest are like water, it will be everywhere. We want people to know it can not only good to themselves, but also good for others. We hope it will be a social behavior. We usually can not do a great matter, but we can do some small matters with the great love. If everybody can do a good thing a day, day after day, it will be a great matter.Buddhism’s special value in science and technology ages, can also come out in our concrete ethics systems and the morals fulfillments.
From modern age, the whole world is pushing forward industrialization and informationization progress, productive forces and science get an unprecedented development and create huge material wealth and cultural wealth, it is a large extent satisfied people’s existence and development needs, but at the same time, many modernity problems come out. While appearing an ecosystem crisis, also appearing a mindset crisis, value crisis and morals crisis; the mankind evolved intelligence quotient and deteriorated intelligence; Flourishing science and technology, downplayed humanities. This way which asks for outside and nature too much has cause many big problems. The modern civilization needs looking for a way come out. If we can take beneficial nourishment from the Buddhism intelligence, and get ecosystem intelligence, morals intelligence, peaceful intelligence, harmonious intelligence and words of wise mental state that the modern people need, the t ancient eastern intelligence will afresh shining new vitality, also become constuct harmonious society of value resources.
Just as what Einstein and Russell...etc said: When science develops, we can not neglect human nature, and they also think the way to quest the truth should have two roads and they are complementation : One is reasoning and experiment, the other is consciousness and sanditthiko, the ethical value and morals standard should be over the science.We believe that the relationship between Buddhism and science isn’t only a seminar that is rich with a content to set question, but also will cause the outstripping of breakthrough and fulfillment of thought. To the, to, is It is worth celebrating for both Buddhist and science .


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