大乐 发表于 2011-8-21 17:43:15

成就佛行事業 這就是真正的幇助眾生。

網誌 我的網誌內容搜尋:    引用 檢舉 http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/damkar_bodhi/article?mid=807]玉樹當卡寺重建項目進度 2010
網誌分類:請施出援手 |
網誌日期:2011-08-15 00:20

http://a367.yahoofs.com/hkblog/M2MDIAGWERprSFqN0J5XvVm6Td4-_7/blog/ap_20110718121622630.jpg?ib_____DCvRO6HH7玉樹當卡寺重建項目進度 20102010年動土興建中的玉樹當卡寺寺院,基於各方善信對尊貴的都穆曲傑仁切與慈悲的祖古巴桑仁波切的信心,重建寺院工程得以在2010年7月15日動土並開始工程進行中。
Yushu Damkar Bodhi Buddhist Monastery rebuild project was in progress 2010The reconstructs Yushu Damkar Monastery project to be able under construction in 2010 July 15 and starts the project to carry on, it because of all faithful Dharma brothers and sisters unwavering have a faith and confidence in H.E. Dulmo Choje Rinpoche and Ven. Pasang Rinpoche.
Your generous offering truly and indeed benefits all the sentient beings.Please keep on to taking the opportunity to be part of this meaningful project.The merit benefit could not imaginable.
Tashi Deleg!
Damkar Bodhi Buddhist Centre
Please click here to see more Yushu Damkar Bodhi Buddhist Monastery Rebuild Project Photo 2010
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